English, asked by chaudharyanurag7600, 1 year ago

03. Write a report on your visit to an old age home.​


Answered by Raunak1432


The first year JPEnglish and EPS students of Christ University were happy Mr Joseph Edward Felix proposed a visit to a nearby old age home. The students happily volunteered to go in groups of twenty, each Sunday between 10 to 12. It was not made compulsory and the students could volunteer to go any Sunday when they wanted to with the groups. Supriyo from 1 JPEnglish, took the initiative being a regular visitor to this old age home. He made all the arrangements and spoke to Mother Ellen and got permission and also informed her of our visit.The class visited the old age home on 29 June, 06 July, 13 July and 20 Jul 2014. Each Sunday Morning, at ten a new group of young enthusiasts were ready to spend some time at the old age home. – Home for the Aged run by Little Sisters of the Poor on Richmond Road.

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