English, asked by xInfinaticx, 7 months ago

04.02 Another View

Complete Part 1 Graphic Organizer using what you have learned in the lesson. You will compare:

.amount of detail
.use of language

Complete Part 2 Reflection in which you write a paragraph recommending one of the articles to a friend.

rmb: Which lesson are you referring to?


Answered by Shaizakincsem

The answer of the following information is given below:


  • As a graphic organizer, the focus becomes very strong as it sharpens the observation.

  • The amount of detail and use of language gets stronger because on the base of this we analyze the result.

  • The messages should be strong with the tone of colors and graphics that we use.

  • Part 2: I was thinking to write you a letter and suggest an article. It will help you to sharpen your skills regarding graphic organizing and viewing them with different aspects. I hope you will find it useful.
Answered by 5925004171

What he said^


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