English, asked by sandhyayadav5471, 27 days ago

1.1 Read the following passage and answer the following questions.
Thought" said Emerson is the property of those only who can entertain it." The quality of thought that we
Entertain determines the quality of our life. As a man thinketh in his heart so is he." We are no greater than
ur thoughts. We are on par with them.
hought is the most powerful force in the world. Every act was first a thought .Every step of progress was a
hought first. The world today is the direct result of the thought of the Individuals who have lived in it. You
nd your thoughts are helping to make it what it is. The life you are living today is the result of the thoughts
ou have been thinking. Thought makes history and facts remain.
The success or failure of any life depends upon the quality of its thoughts. The mind is free to dwell upon
he thought that it chooses. We may hold in our conscious mind either the good thought or the bad thought,
ut we cannot hold both at the same time. Whatever thought is given possession it fills the mind for the time
eing so long as we hold good thoughts in our conscious mind the bad thoughts will stay away. We
onstantly must keep ourselves supplied with good thoughts in order to keep away all inferior thoughts.
11.1 Read the above passage and answer the given questions.
6 M
Give a suitable title to the passage
) Write Emerson's definition of thought.
) Thought is the most powerful force. Explain.
Why do we need to fill our mind with good thoughts?​


Answered by hymavathi1121


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