1.1f A-{1.2,3,4,5) and B=-a, b,c ) then nAXB)
(a)5 (b)3(c) 15(d) 125
2.The relation "daughter of is a
(a) Refiexive( b ) symmetric (c) transitive ( d) none
ItA =(12.3) and B [a, b. c) t=I(1,a), (1, b). (1, e))g= ((1, a). (3, C). (2.))
h ((1.@),(2.b),. (3, a)}q-{(1.a),(2,a),3,.b)1,b3.a)} then
3. Which of the above is one to one relation?
(b) 9 (c) h
4. Which of the above is one to many relation ?
(a) f
(b) g (c) h
5. Which of the above is many to one relation?
(a)f (b) 9 (c) h
6.If fox)-ax b and f=(1,7) (2,163.31) then the value of a, b are
(a) 2-1(b) 21 (c)3-1 (d) 2-1
7. If f from R XR defined by f(x)= x+1 then f (5,17 26) =
(a)(-1,1,2) (b) (0, 1, 2) (c) (2. 4,5) (d) (0.2)
8. Given f(x) =vT+i and glx)=1x, then {foglx).
9.If f(x)- 5x-2, 9%)=2x-3 then {fogHx) =,
10.A function t is given by tx)= {x -2}15 then t-1 (x)=.
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