1. A true solution is a homogeneous mixture of solute and solvent. Chalk powder in water
is a heterogenous mixture. Is it a true solution?
2. A solution that contains water as the solvent is called an aqueous solution. If carbon
disulphide is a solvent in a given solution, then the solution is called ______.
(aqueous solution, non- aqueous solution)
3. The solubility of common salt in 100g of water is 36g. If 20g of salt is dissolved in it,
how much more is required to attain saturation?
4. If two liquids are mutually soluble, they are called _______ liquids. (miscible, immiscible)
5. When sunlight passes through the window of a classroom, its path is visible. This is
due to _______of light. (reflection, scattering)
6. The particles in various forms are visible only under an ultramicroscope. A solution
containing such particles is called __________. (true solution, colloidal solution)
7. The number of components in a binary solution are/is _______ ( one / two)
8. The mixture of gases used by deep-sea divers is _______(helium-oxygen, oxygennitrogen)
9. Soil cannot store more nitrogen than it can hold. Hence soil is said to be in a state of
_________.(saturation, unsaturation)
10. In an endothermic process, solubility increases with _________ in temperature.
(increase, decrease)
11. Aquatic species are more comfortable in cold water because __________
i). as the temperature decreases, the solubility of dissolved oxygen increases.
ii) as the temperature increases, the solubility of dissolved oxygen increases.
iii) as the temperature increases, the solubility of dissolved oxygen decreases.
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Here is your answer which you are searching for
♦ Here is your answer which you are searching for
⭐ Answer 1 ⭐
Chalk is not a true solution because condition for true solution is
- Particle should be homogeneous
- it's appearance must be clear and transparent
- Invisible to naked eye
⭐ Answer 2 ⭐
If carbon disulphide is given solvent in the given solution then it is non - aqueous solution
Reason behind that is
-A solution in which water act as a solvent is called aqueous solution
- Any other liquid acts as a solvent is called non aqueous solution
⭐ Answer 3⭐
Not getting the answer
⭐ Answer 4 ⭐
If two solution are mutally soluble then it's called miscible solution
⭐ Answer 5⭐
When sunlight entres in class room it's path visible than it's called scattering of light
⭐ Answer 6⭐
True solution because it's particle are very small
⭐ Answer 7⭐
The number of compound in binary solute is / are two
⭐ Answer 8 ⭐
Trimix is a mixture of three gases helium, nitrogen, oxygen used by deep sea divers
⭐ Answer 9 ⭐
It is unsaturated solution
- In which no more solute is added
⭐ Answer 10⭐
In a endothermic solution solubility increase with decrease in temperature
⭐ Answer 11⭐
As a temperature increases , the solubility of oxygen decreases
Hope you satisfied with my answer
Be Brainly
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Warm Regards
@ Brainlestuser
♦ Here is your answer which you are searching for
⭐ Answer 1 ⭐
Chalk is not a true solution because condition for true solution is
- Particle should be homogeneous
- it's appearance must be clear and transparent
- Invisible to naked eye
⭐ Answer 2 ⭐
If carbon disulphide is given solvent in the given solution then it is non - aqueous solution
Reason behind that is
-A solution in which water act as a solvent is called aqueous solution
- Any other liquid acts as a solvent is called non aqueous solution
⭐ Answer 3⭐
Not getting the answer
⭐ Answer 4 ⭐
If two solution are mutally soluble then it's called miscible solution
⭐ Answer 5⭐
When sunlight entres in class room it's path visible than it's called scattering of light
⭐ Answer 6⭐
True solution because it's particle are very small
⭐ Answer 7⭐
The number of compound in binary solute is / are two
⭐ Answer 8 ⭐
Trimix is a mixture of three gases helium, nitrogen, oxygen used by deep sea divers
⭐ Answer 9 ⭐
It is unsaturated solution
- In which no more solute is added
⭐ Answer 10⭐
In a endothermic solution solubility increase with decrease in temperature
⭐ Answer 11⭐
As a temperature increases , the solubility of oxygen decreases
Hope you satisfied with my answer
Be Brainly
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Together we go far
Warm Regards
@ Brainlestuser
Answered by
It is the correct answer.
Hope this attachment helps you.
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