1. Answer the following questions from theparagraph.[5]It was eight or nine in the morning. Harihar's son was playingby himself in the open verandah of their house when Durgacalled out suddenly from behind the jackfruit tree in theircourtyard, 'Apu, Apu-uuu ..' She had just made an appearanceafter having been away from home all morning. Durga wasnow about eleven. She was thinner and darker than Apu. Glassbangles clinking on her arms, a none-too-clean sari andwindswept dry hair flying any way that was Durga. On her-finely shaped face, her shone large eyes like her brother's.1.List out the appearance of Durga ?
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she is a well know auther of haryana she wrote more than 8000books and an autobiography of house in 1289
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