English, asked by kangujamamujao, 7 months ago

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follows:
All round development of man is the true aim of education. It should train not only the
head, but also the hands and the heart But our present system of education has miserably failed
to achieve this aim. It suffers from many grave defects.
The present system of education was founded by the British for their own convenience.
Lord Macauly was the father and all founder of this system (He wanted to produce clerks to help B
the British in running their administration. Today the English have gone but the same old system
of education still continues. We are free but we are still slavishly following the system evolved
by the British. This system of education has many defects. It must be changed and overhanded
The greatest defect in our present system of education is that it is too theoritical. An educated
man has only bookish knowledge. He knows nothing about practical things. He finds his education
has not made him fit to do any useful work for his society.
The present system of education does not teach us the dignity of labour. A student is not
taught or trained to do things with his hands. Manual or physical labour find no place in education,
Educated young men are fit only to be clerks in offices. They look down upon manual labour.
They consider it below their dignity work with their hands in fields or factories. ) B:lii?)
Complete the following statements :-
(i) The aim of education is
(ii) The present system of education produces man who has.
Answer the following questions in one phrase/sentence each:
(i) What according to the writer, shall be done to achieve the aim of education?
(ii) Why did Lord Macaulay introduce the present system of education in India.
(iii) Why do educated man look down upon manual labour? Because,
Find the words from the passage that have the same meaning as:
(1) Serious (ii) Copying exactly without thought
Answer the following question :-


Answered by anisa230


A. i. ans. All round development of man is the true aim of education.

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