1. campare Uttar Pradesh soil with Maharashtra/ Arunachal Pradesh(100 to 150 words ) it's my project work so please help me
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In Utter Pradesh alluvial soil are found.
Much of the area of Uttar Pradesh is covered by a deep layer of alluvium spread by the slow-moving rivers of the Ganges system. Those extremely fertile alluvial soils range from sandy to clayey loam. The soils in the southern part of the state are generally mixed red and black or red-to-yellow.
While Arunachal Pradesh The major soil types are inceptisols, entisols, and ultisols. River valleys are characterized by rich alluvial soils that are highly suited for agriculture.
The important soil types found in the basin are black soils, red soils, laterite and lateritic soils, alluvium, mixed soils, red and black soils and saline and alkaline soils.