English, asked by mpkahlon158, 18 hours ago

1. Contrary to popular beliet, bats are not evil bloodsucking animals. They are highly useful as they eat lots of
harmful insects. These amazing mammals can catch up to 600 mosquitoes in one hourl Only one species of bat is
known as bite. They are called vampire bats, which is probably why we associate them with horror films and bad
dreams. However, vampire but do not bite humans. They bite only cattle and other animals.
2. Bats are mammals, just like humans. They are warm-blooded. They nurse their babies with milk and are covered
with fur to keep them warm.
3. Bats belong to the family Chiropetra and are only mammals that can fly. They have four fingers and thumb just
like humans and their wings are made of two thin layers of skin stretching over their arms and fingers. The bat's
fingers are very long compared to its body. If we had fingers like a bat, they would be longer than our legs! When
bats fly don't just flap up and down. If you watch them closely, it almost looks like they are pulling themselves
through the air the movement is similar to the butterfly stroke in swimming. Bats use their wings for more than
just flying they can wrap their wings around insects or fruit to hold it while eating
4. A popular myth surrounding bats is that they are blind. Bats can see reasonably well but they use their keen
sense of hearing to navigate. This is called echolocation. When they are out hunting, bats make high-pitched
Squeaky noised or ultrasound, which are too high for people to hear. The noises bounce off any object in their
path - similar to how your voice echoes in a cave and the bat is able to determine its exact location. Although
some make the squeaks needed for echolocation with their mouths, many make sounds through their noses.
Bads that echolocate with their nose often have special flaps and folds of skin on their faces called "nose leaves
Scientists think that the nose leaves help the bats send the sounds in different directions.
1. Answer the following questions briefly:
1. How are bats useful to us?
2. is a paWhyrticular species called vampire bat?
3. Mention some characteristics which tell us that bats are mammals.
4. How do bats use their wings apart from flying?
5. How do the bats navigate while flying?
6. What is echolocation?
7. What is the use of nose leaves for bats?
8. Find words from the passage which mean as:
a. To envelop/cover from all sides (para 3)
& Fairty/satisfactorily
(pana 4)​


Answered by spatil240503


1)Bats useful to us because they consume insects that are harmful to people.


3)a)The bats are warm blooded animals. b)they nurse their babies with milk. these are some characteristics of bats which tell us that bats are mammals

4They can wrap their wings around insectsor fruits while eating.


Answered by singhsharanprit


how are bats useful to us

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