1. define gender.
2. what is double burden of women's work?
3.why are domestic workers paid low wages?
4. what does the equal remuneration act say?
5.what work does the national commission for women do? please send answers quikly for class 7
1. Gender refers to the characteristics of women and men that are socially constructed.
2. The term “double burden” (or “second shift”) refers to the workload of persons (typically women) who work at paid jobs while also having responsibility for a significant portion of unpaid care work.
3. The low levels of remuneration among domestic workers is the result of a range of factors, including a large labour supply, undervaluation of domestic work and its contribution to society, the low bargaining power of domestic workers, the lack of representation in the sector, and frequent exclusion from labour .
4. Act provides for payment of equal wages for work of same and similar nature to male and female workers and for not making discrimination against female employees in the matters of transfers, training and promotion etc.
5. fund litigation involving issues affecting a large body of women; make periodical reports to the Government on any matter pertaining to women and in particular various difficulties under which women toil; any other matter which may be referred to it by Central Government.
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