English, asked by XianQiMoon, 8 months ago

1. Describe an important event in our history?

2. What is its significance in our day?​


Answered by Anonymous

\huge \bold \red {Answer}

1. Our world has witnessed many historical events since our human story started. While some of these historical events are not that significant in the greater scheme of things, the others have been quite phenomenal and have changed the course of history to a great extent. Today, I would like to talk about one such historical even which pretty much changed the course of politics in the continent of North America.

The historical event, I am talking about, is the assassination of Abraham Lincoln which took place on 14th of April of 1865. It happened just when everybody thought that the civil war, which started, mainly because Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery, between the north and south, was over in the USA, and everybody thought that the 11 southern states would finally come back and join the then Union of USA.

But, the conservatives in the south part of the USA didn’t agree with that decision since the southern conservatives and white supremacists were never ready to give up their belief that slavery was part of the natural order of things. In fact, they believed that drastic action must be taken if slavery was to be preserved, and the only way it could be done was to kill Abraham Lincoln. So, they started their plots one after another to kill the union president until they eventually succeeded when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by one Southerner called John Wilkes Booth.

Anyway, as sad and tragic of an event was the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, it was because of this sad and tragic even the politics of the USA had changed forever and for better, of course. In fact, the assassination actually united the whole people in the union, more thoroughly than ever, with a common sentiment of devotion to the country and of profound grief for the great calamity, that had fallen upon it. All party rancour was hushed. Political strife had ceased. All men of all parties, feeling a common interest and common grief, stood together in support of the nation, and of the man thus suddenly charged with the execution of the people's will.

2. Coherence means a sense of comprehensibility and one's life making sense. Purpose means a sense of core goals, aims, and direction in life. Significance is about a sense of life's inherent value and having a life worth living.

Answered by XxxRAJxxX



French Revolution (1789-94)

It is not possible to overstate the importance of the French Revolution to world history. Not only did it shape the entire modern world as we know it and pave the way for capitalism to conquer feudalism, it set the stage for revolutionary uprisings and changes in all parts of the globe. The period of radical social and political upheaval during the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars that followed had a lasting impact not just on France or Europe, but the entire planet. It will always be remembered as the event that ended feudalism and whose shockwaves led to a total transformation of social structures in every country.

After the French treasury was drained (exacerbated by bankrolling and supplying the American Revolution), it created much misery and hunger, which led to anger against the monarchy. Images of the revolution, such as the Storming of the Bastille, the guillotine, and the gigantic personality of Robespierre, are now iconic. The French Revolution introduced the concept of the republic to the world, and Revolutionary France soon had to fight for its life in wars against all of Europe. It laid the basis for Napoleon Bonaparte’s coup and the wars that followed, which spanned every continent and introduced the modern concept of the corps system for the military (replacing hired armies), and the Napoleonic Code, not to mention the idea of total war.

By its mere existence and the worldwide historical and social transformations it caused, the French Revolution can easily be considered the most monumental historical event of the modern era, and more than any other, the defining historical event that changed the world forever.

Ans. 2

The French Revolution’s Influence on Modern Western Society. The French Revolution from the years 1789-1799 and Napoleonic era from 1799-1815 was a time period of radical social and political reform. Despite obvious, physical damages and high death tolls, this period in history has major historical forces.

The primary significance of the French Revolution was that it removed power from a small group of elite rulers and established a democratic leadership representing the French citizenry.

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