1. Discuss the contributions of Swami Vivekananda and the Ramakrishna Mission to Hindu society. 2 Civenant of the candadation
Ramakrishna Mission (AD 1836-1886)
Ramakrishna Paramhansa was a priest in a temple at Dakshineswar near Calcutta. After coming in contact with the leaders of other religions, he accepted the sanctity of all faiths. Almost all religious reformers of his time, including Keshab Chandra Sen and Dayanand called on him for religious discussion and guidance. The contemporary Indian intellectuals, whose faith in their own cultures had been shaken by the challenge from the west, found reassurance from his teachings. In order to propagate the teachings of Ramakrishna and put them into practice, Ramakrishna Mission was founded in 1897 by his favourite disciple Vivekananda. The mission stood for social service. The best way to serve God is to serve mankind was its motto. Ramakrishna Mission, since its beginning, has grown into a very powerful centre of numerous public activities. These include organizing relief during floods, famines and epidemics, establishing hospitals and running educational institutions.