1. Discuss the scope of world history
2. Write the importance of world history
1 The scope of history has been undergoing constant change. In the past, the world was divided into a number of social, political and cultural units.
Each unit considering itself superior to other e.g., Japan, China, India in Asia, Romans, Greeks, English, in Europe and Americans and possessing independent histories.The study of history is important because it allows one to make more sense of the current world. One can look at past economic and cultural trends and be able to offer reasonable predictions of what will happen next in today's world. ... More broadly, history enables us to understand different cultures.
Certain societies like Japan, China, India, etc. considered themselves as more civilized and did not study about other states that they considered as barbarians.
1. Discuss the scope of world history...
Ans. The scope of history has been undergoing constant change. In the past, the world was divided into a number of social, political and cultural units. ... The knowledge of the ancient history was further widened by geology and archaeology in the mid nineteenth century..
2. Write the importance of world history...
Ans.The study of history is important because it allows one to make more sense of the current world. One can look at past economic and cultural trends and be able to offer reasonable predictions of what will happen next in today's world. ... More broadly, history enables us to understand different cultures.