Biology, asked by itheadityakumar, 6 months ago

1) _____ element is involved in opening and closing of stomata

your answer

2) Concentration of ______ increases the rate of photosynthesis

Your answer

3) The _____ air is directly carried to the cells, where the oxidation of food takes place

Your answer

4) Aerobic respiration results in______ ATP molecules while anaerobic respiration produces_____ ATP molecules

Your answer

5) The stomata remain close when it is _______

Your answer

6) Plant is kept in totally dark room to make it free from _______

Your answer

7) Mammals are _____ animals with hair on skin. They have specialised set of _____

Your answer

8) Some members of the phylum ____ have a shell inside their body as in octopus, squids and cuttlefish

Your answer

9) _____ creep on ground to move

Your answer

10) ______ can fly in air

Your answer

11) _____ is a parasite that sticks to the host and sucks its blood

Your answer

12) Some hyphae grow downwards as roots. These hyphae are called _____

Your answer

13) Organisms in____ do not have a cell wall

Your answer

14) ____ are unicellular organisms with a well-defined cell wall

Your answer

15) The _____ connect bones to bones at the joints and helps to hold them together

Your answer

16) ______ primarily aid in blood clotting

Your answer

17) The _____ tissue stores fat and insulates the body against heat loss

Your answer

pls answer fast and correct answer because test will end in 30 min


Answered by sonali8987


1. Gaurd cells

5.when air is drawn through them, therefore the air current should be stopped when readings are not being taken



Answered by manojranjita2004


guard cells 2.chloroplyll3.oxygen 5.not performing transpiration 6.sunlight 7. four chambered heart, heart 16.platelets 17.adipose

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