*OPTION-1*- Love for all, hatred for none.
*OPTION-2*-Missileman and the Wings of
Livelihood around Ganga
Essay for Love for all, hatred for none is given below
Love is a feeling that cannot be expressed only to be felt. For grammar scholars it is an abstract noun. For parents it's in their parenting and much more.
Love cannot be defined. It is different for everyone. For some it can be just sharing food with them while for others it can be sharing life. If you give love to everyone they will show the same to you and if you hate anyone you will receive the same back. There are many stories in India mythological that can tell you how powerful love is and how hatred for even one person can give you a bad end.
Love of Kirshna and Radha is the most read and celebrated story in history. For them living with each other is not the end purpose of their love but to be there for each other in any situation was. Also the story of Meera is the first story which tells about the first history of one sided love.
Just because it is about love, people listen to it with love even today. Meera, Radha and Krishna showed love to each other and everyone that is why they are remembered today. But people like Shakuni Mama from Mahabharat and Ravana from Raamayan are hated because of their hate.
That is why it is said, show love for all hate for none.