English, asked by sachinsidhu932, 7 months ago

Exercise 16
Use the correct form of the verbs given in brackets:
As Mohan ......... (run) to jump over the ditch, he ...
(slip) and ...... (twist) his ankle. We ....... (have) to carry
him home. The doctor had just ....... (leave) and .......
(say) that he .........(be) soon all right.
When she ....... (reach) the station, she ...... (learn) that
the train ...... (leave) ten minutes before. The station
master ..... (tell) her that the time table ........ (change)
the previous week.


Answered by 9973asianschool

Answer: Ran (run), Slipped (slip), Twisted ( twist), Had ( have ), Left ( leave),

Said ( say), Will (be), Reached ( reach), Learned (learn), Left ( leave), Told ( tell), Changed ( change).


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