1. Explain the different kinds of coastal
2. Describe adaptation. Describe the various means by which animals show adaptation.
3. Compare grasslands and deserts with respect to the type of plants and animals found in ea
cactus that have helped it to survive in a desert habits
1. Other coastal categories
A cliffed coast or abrasion coast is one where marine action has produced steep declivities known as cliffs. A flat coast is one where the land gradually descends into the sea. A graded shoreline is one where wind and water action has produced a flat and straight coastline.
2. In evolutionary theory, adaptation is the biological mechanism by which organisms adjust to new environments or to changes in their current environment. ... The idea of natural selection is that traits that can be passed down allow organisms to adapt to the environment better than other organisms of the same species.
Adaptations are any behavioral or physical characteristics of an animal that help it to survive in its environment. These characteristics fall into three main categories: body parts, body coverings, and behaviors. Any or all of these types of adaptations play a critical role in the survival of an animal.