1) Explain the tarr asana in brief. 2) Explain the vrish asana in brief. 3) Explain the benefits of Gaurd asana.
1)Tadasana, or Mountain Pose, is a basic standing posture and is, therefore, the foundation for all others. Physically, it helps to create space within the body, allowing internal organs to work more efficiently. This can drastically improve respiration as well as digestion and circulation.
2)VRIKSHA ASANA : The Sanskrit word vrisha means tree thus this is the tree pose. The challenge of the vrisha asana is maintaining balance on leg. Stand with feet together and the arms by your sides.It help in strengthening the lower limbs,calves,thighs,spine and ankles. Help to improve overall sense of balance
Strengthens and stretches the ankles and calves.
Stretches the thighs, hips, shoulders, and upper back.
Improves concentration.
Improves sense of balance.
hope this will help you pls rate me