Math, asked by ekta810, 9 hours ago

1 Fill in the blanks.

is the smallest factor of every number.

b The biggest factor of a number is the

e The smallest multiple of a number is the

d The greatest multiple of a number

e The factor of a number is the exact

f A number is a said to be. The examples are.

g A prime number has only



of that number.

number when all its factors


add up to twice d




h A number with more than two factors is called a i There is only one number in natural numbers which has only one factor. The number is

It is neither The numbers which are divisible by 2 are called


k A number which cannot be divided by 2 and always gives the called an



remainder I when divided by 2 is

1 When a pair of odd numbers or a pair of even numbers are added or subtracted, we always


m When an odd number is added to an even number or subtracted from an even number,

we always get an


n When two even numbers are multiplied, we always get an

o When an even number and an odd number are multiplied, we always get an

p When a pair of odd numbers are multiplied, we always get an.

is the only even prime number.

r The pairs of prime numbers that differ by 2 are called

s A set of three consecutive prime numbers differing by 2 is called a



get an​


Answered by aryamagade


A - The smallest factor of every number is 1

B - The biggest factor of every number is itself

C - The smallest multiples of every number is 1

D - The greatest multiple of a number is itself

E - The factor of number is exact same

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