English, asked by jushansundar, 8 months ago

1. Fill in the following blanks.
Delhi (a)--- the capital of India. People from all parts (b)--- the country and world come to visit Dem. There (C)--- many historical buildings here. Last year I (d)--- Delhi. I also watched the Commonwealth Games in 2010.

2. There is an error in the line given below-
e.g More than two-thirds *in* the world's = of
(a). large cities are on areas sensitive
(b) over global warming and rising sea level.
(c) Millions of people face a risk
(d) of being swamp by floods
no error = and storms according to a study.

3. Read the dialogue given below and complete the paragraph that follows.

Father: Where are you going?
I am going to my friend's house.
Father: Have you completed your homework?
Son: No, I'll do it when I will come back.
Father: This is not the right way to answer.
Father asked his son (a)_. The son replied (b)__ to his friend's house. The
father further questioned (C)__ his homework. The son said that he would do it when (d)__. The father disapproved of the way his son answered him.


Answered by Sachinarjun


Here is your answer dear⤵⤵⤵

☸1) (a) is

(b) of

(c) are

(d) went

☸2} (a) on ❌ in

(b) over ❌ to

(c) a ❌ the

(d) swamp ❌ swamped

☸3} (a) ⤵⤵

whether he had completed his homework.

(b) that he was going to his friend's house.

(c) Had he completed his homework.

(d) he will be back.



Answered by BloomingBud


(a) is

(b) of

(c) are

(d) visited


.....Errors correction

(a) on in

(b) over to

(c) a the

(d) swamp swamped


(a) where he was going.

(b) that he was going.

(c) if he had completed.

(d) he would come back.

Some rules to change active into passive.

For affirmtive sentences-

  • object + is/am/are + third form of the + verb + by + subject.

For negative sentences-

  • Object + is/am/are + not + third form of the verb + by + subject.

For interrogative sentences-

  • Is/am/are + object + third form of the verb + by + subjects.

For negative interrogative sentences -

  • Is/am/are + object + not + third form of the verb + by + subjects.
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