1. Form adjectives from the following nouns ; use suffixes : Accident, atom, affection, angle, anger, bird, beauty, brass, bulk, child.
2. Form verbs from the nouns given below; use suffixes or prefixes.
Agony, atom, black, beauty, calf, centre, class, circle, force, fruit.
3. Make verbs from the following adjectives ; use suffixes and prefixes :
Alien, atomic, brief, base, civil, dead, fresh, false, fond, large
atom- atomic
affection- affectionate
angel- angelic
anger- angry
beauty- beatiful
brass- brassy
bulk- bulky
child- childlike
2.3 blacken
1. Form adjectives from the following nouns ; use suffixes :
Nouns Adjective
Accident Accidental
Atom Atomic
Affection Affectionate
Angle Angular
Anger Angry
Bird Avian
Beauty Beautiful
Brass Brassy
Bulk Bulky
Child Childish
2. The following nouns can be turned into verbs by adding prefixes such as En-, or by adding suffixes such as ‘-ize, -en, -ify, and –ve. Conversion is always a challenging task. It requires lots of practice and a experience too.
Nouns Verbs
Agony Agonize
Atom Atomize
Black Blacken
Beauty Beautify
Calf Calve
Centre Centralize
Class Classify
Circle Encircle
Force Enforce
Fruit Fructify
3. Make verbs from the following adjectives ; use suffixes and prefixes :
Adjective Verb
Atomic Atomize
Brief Brief
Base Base
Civil Civilize
Dead Die
Fresh Freshen
False Falsify
Fond (No Verb)