1. Give three examples of angles from your
2. Name each of the following angles in three
different ways.

Answered by
Q1.] 1.) The angle formed between the electric pole and the surface of the road : 90° angle
2.) the angle formed by the minute and the hour hand of the clock : can form various angles
3.) the angle formed between the ladder and the earth's surface : may br 90°.if ladder is hold perpendicular to the earth's surface.
Q2.] 1) angle XYZ, angle ZYX, angle Y
2) angle MLN , angle NLM , angle L
3) angle DFE , angle EFD , angle F
4) angle EFG , angle GFE , angle F
Answered by
Q1.] 1.) The angle formed between the electric pole and the surface of the road : 90° angle
2.) the angle formed by the minute and the hour hand of the clock : can form various angles
3.) the angle formed between the ladder and the earth's surface : may br 90°.if ladder is hold perpendicular to the earth's surface.
Q2.] 1) angle XYZ, angle ZYX, angle Y
2) angle MLN , angle NLM , angle L
3) angle DFE , angle EFD , angle F
4) angle EFG , angle GFE , angle F
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