1. Government cannot spend single rupee receive, why explain?
2. What is adjournment motion, explain?
3. If any one doing violation of the constitution, What parliament can do, explain?
Meaning and Scope
The primary object of an adjournment motion is to
draw the attention of the House to a recent matter of
urgent public importance having serious consequences
and with regard to which a motion or a resolution with
proper notice will be too late. The matter proposed to be
raised should be of such a character that something very
grave which affects the whole country and its security
has happened and the House is required to pay its
attention immediately by interrupting the normal business
of the House.
2. The adjournment motion is thus an extraordinary
procedure which, if admitted, leads to setting aside the
normal business of the House for discussing a definite
matter of urgent public importance.
3. The subject matter of the motion must have a
direct or indirect relation to the conduct or default on the
part of the Union Government and must precisely
pinpoint the failure of the Government of India in the
performance of its duties in accordance with the
provisions of the Constitution and Law. A matter which
falls within the jurisdiction of a State Government is
inadmissible, but a matter concerning the constitutional