[ 1 ]हस्तस्य भूषणं दानं
सत्यं कण्ठस्य भूषणम् ।
श्रोत्रस्य भूषणं शास्त्रं
भूषणैः किं प्रयोजनम्॥१॥
हस्तस्य भूषणं दानं सत्यं कण्ठस्य भूषणम् |
श्रोत्रस्य भूषणं शास्त्रं भूषणैः किं प्रयोजनम् ||
(स्फुट )
भावार्थ - हाथों की शोभा दान देने से होती है , और कण्ठ (गले ) की शोभा सदा
सत्य बोलने से होती है | तो ऐसी स्थिति में आभूषणों की क्या आवश्यकता है ?
Hastasya bhooshanam daanam satyam kanthasya bhoosanam.
Srotrasya bhooshanam shaastram bhooshnaih kim prayojanam.
Hastasya = of the hand. Bhooshanam =embellishment, ornament.
Danam= donation, charity. Satyam = truth (telling the) Kanthasya=
voice's (speaking) Srotrasya = of the ears. Shasram = scriptures
(listening to). Bhoshanaih = ornamnts. Kim = what ? Prayojanam =
i.e. Giving away wealth as charity is the real embellishment of hands,
and always speaking the truth is the embellishment of one's voice, and
listening to the scriptures and treatises of literature is the embellishment of
the ears. Then where is the need of ornaments to embellishing the hands,
neck and ears with ornaments ?