Social Sciences, asked by anuradhapandey98769, 8 months ago

1.How can you say the Ashoka spoke directly
the the people ?
2.What is Ashoka peffered to in the edicts ?3. What do we learn about pataliputra fromthe indika
da Indika​


Answered by smartbrainz

Ashoka the Great was one of the most powerful and successful rulers of the ancient India. He belonged to the Mauryan Empire. His reign lasted from 268 to 232 BCE.


1) Ashoka is said to directly interact with his people by the means of rock edicts, pillar edicts and cave inscriptions.

  • These were the means by which Ashoka's proclamations are made to the public about the policies and principles of Dhamma.
  • Large number of such edicts are found in different parts of the country and it is estimated that these were used not only to explain the policies of Dhamma but also the personal messages of the king to his people.

2) There are various names by which Ashoka is referred to in different edicts.

  • The language of the commoners during this period was Prakrit and the script was Brahmi script.
  • In some of these inscriptions he is referred to as "Devanampiya".
  • On another such inscription found in Madhya Pradesh Ashoka is referred to as " Devanampiya Piyadasi Asokaraja".

3) Megasthenes was a philosopher and diplomat send by the Greek Emperor Selecus Nikator in the court of Chandragupta Maurya.

  • Megasthenese wrote a book Indica which was the biggest source of foreign account to discover about the Mauryan peroid. But most of the book has been lost.
  • But what has been reconstructed we know that he had described the city of Patliputra, the capital city of the Mauryans as a great city.
  • He said that Patliputra was a fortified from all sides, and water trenches were made along it to save it from invasion.
  • He also said that large number of people resided in this capital city and also wrote about the river Ganges and its tributaries.

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