1. How do we keep workplace clean and safe?
2. What are the safety practices in beauty salon?
Maintain a safe, secure and hygienic salon
Welcome to this BTEP unit called ‘Maintain a safe, secure and hygienic
salon which is all about ensuring that your workplace is a safe, secure
and hygienic place to work. Whatever the type of business, the law says
that every workplace must be a healthy and safe place. This is
important not just for the people who work there but also for any
visitors or clients.
This is extremely important in the salon, since we use products and
equipment that could harm both employees and clients. It is critical that
salon managers and staff understand the safety, security and hygiene
issues and procedures in the salon, and implement them.
What do these terms mean? The unit starts in Topic 1 with the very
important topic of hygiene – both in terms of personal hygiene but also
the hygienic practices which salon staff must follow to make their
workplace clean for themselves and their clients.
Topic 2 looks at the many potential hazards in a salon which could
possibly hurt the people working or visiting there. For example,
electrical equipment, sharp scissors and blades, chemicals and different
liquids could all cause people to get hurt. The safety aspect of this unit is
about procedures which you must follow and potential dangers which
you must understand to make sure that clients and co-workers are kept
Salon security is covered in Topic 3. It is about the safekeeping of the
personal possessions of the people who work in, or visit, the salon. It is
also about the security of the equipment and other resources belonging
to the salon owner.
Finally, in Topic 4, we find out that fires and accidents can happen at
any time in any salon. But by following procedures and knowing what
to do in the event of a fire or accident, salon staff can minimise the
danger and damage to property.
We hope you will enjoy this unit as it will help you to create a hygienic,
safe and secure working environment in a hairdressing or beauty
therapy salon.