English, asked by RavanKumar2021, 4 months ago

1. . How do your listening behaviors change in the following situations: A) At a concert, B) In class, C) At the dinner table with your parents, D) In a doctor’s office? What are the distractions and other barriers to listening you might encounter in each setting? What might you do to overcome the barriers to effective listening in each situation?
2. Reflect on a situation in your personal life where poor listening skills created a problem. Briefly describe the situation, then spend the bulk of your reflection analyzing what went wrong in terms of listening and how, specifically, effective listening would have made a difference.


Answered by budhprakashsingh123


behaviour was reflection wowwwwwwww

Answered by Chaitanya1696

We are provided with a couple of questions on the topic of listening and we are asked to answer them accordingly. The answers to the topics that are provided are as under:

  • The first question asked is how our listening behavior change at a concert.
  • The answer will be while listening to a concert we lose ourselves to the music going on and get engrossed in listening only to what is happening at the concert.
  • The second question asked is how our listening behavior changed in class.
  • The answer is depending on the subject and the teacher teaching the subject.
  • If the teacher makes the class lively then we will be interested in what she wants to teach us and if the subject is boring then we lose ourselves in the conversations with our friends.
  • The third question is how our listening behavior change at the dinner table with our parents.
  • The answer will be that the dinner table is the only time nowadays we get to spend with our parents.
  • So we concentrate and listen to the advice they give us and spend our time speaking and listening about how the day was spent.
  • The fourth question is how our listening behavior change at the doctor's office.
  • The answer will be we are usually scared while we are at the doctor's office so we try and listen to what is being said around us whether the doctor is painful or not.
  • The distractions that come in each of these settings will be mobile phones, messages on our gadgets, our mind wandering into other thoughts, etc.
  • Once when we were in the class there was n interesting cricket match going on.
  • So we were most interested in listening to the score than in the teacher who gave the dates on which the particular exam will be held.
  • So we went to the particular exams after studying for some other paper.
  • Effective listening would have definitely helped as we would have studied for the correct exams and secured more marks.


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