1. In human alimentary canal, name the site of complete digestion of various components of
food. Explain the process of digestion.
2. List in tabular form, three differences between arteries and veins.
3. List the three kinds of blood vessels of human circulatory system and write their functions in
tabular form.
4. (a) "The breathing cycle is rhythmic whereas exchange of gases is a continuous process".
Justify this statement.
(b) What happens if conducting tubes of circulatory system develops a leak? State in brief,
how could this be avoided?
(c) How opening and closing of stomata takes place?
5. Draw a diagram of the front view of human heart and label any six parts including at least
two that are concerned with arterial blood supply to the heart muscles.
6. Describe in brief the function of kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra.
7. Explain the process of breakdown of glucose in a cell.
(i) in the presence of oxygen,
(ii) in the absence of oxygen.
8. What is double circulation in human beings? Why is it necessary?
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