1. In the number 94534, how many times is the place value of the digit 4 on the right
to that of the left?
(1) 100 (2)
(4) 1000
Answered by
plz mark as brainliest
hope it helps you
Step-by-step explanation:
Given : The number 94534.
To find : How many times is the place value of the digit 4 on the right to that of the left ?
Solution :
According to place value system,
Ten thousand Thousand Hundred Tens ones
9 4 5 3 4
From the right to that of the left 4 is at ones and thousand place.
At ones place the value of 4 is
At thousand place the value of 4 is
Now, to find times we divide
i.e. 1000 times is the place value of the digit 4 on the right to that of the left.
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