Science, asked by armaan136, 5 months ago

1) In which of these three media, air, water and glass the speed of light is the
2) What is lateral inversion?
3) If an object is places 10 cm away from the plane mirror, then what is the
distance of object from the image?
4) What happens to a ray of light when it falls normally on the plane mirror?
5) What is the speed of light in vacuum?
6) What type of spherical mirror is represented by the spoon curved inwards?
7) Name the mirror which diverges light.
8) A ray of light is incident at an angle of 40° with the surface of a plane mirror.
What is the angle of reflection?
9) What is the nature of image formed by a plane mirror?
10) Name the type of mirror used by the dentists to diagnose the teeth of a person.
11) Name the mirror that can give an erect and magnified image.
12) How do we see the objects around us?
13) List the characteristics of image formed by a plane mirror.
14) Distinguish between real and virtual image.
15) What should be the length of a plane mirror to see the full image of a man?
16) Define focal length of a spherical mirror.
17) Without touching, how will you distinguish between plane, concave and convex
18) How should a ray of light be incident on a rectangular glass slab so that it
comes out from the opposite side of the slab without being displaced?
19) In which case Snell's law not valid?
20) We want to see the full image of a distant tall building in a small mirror.
Which mirror should we use?
21) Why does a ray of light bend when it travels from one medium into another?
22) The outer surface of a hollow sphere of aluminium of radius 50 cm is to be
used as a mirror. What will be the focal length of this mirror? Which type of
spherical mirror will it provide?
23) Name the type of mirror used in Headlights of a car.Support your answer with
24) The magnification produced by a plane mirror is +1. What does this mean?
25) State the laws of reflection of light.​


Answered by itzBrainlymaster


19) In which case Snell's law not valid?

Snell's law is not applicable when angle of incidence is zero as the angle of refraction will also be zero.

25) State the laws of reflection of light.

The first law of reflection states that the incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal to the surface of the mirror, all lie in the same plane. The second law of reflection states that the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence.

18) How should a ray of light be incident on a rectangular glass slab so that it

comes out from the opposite side of the slab without being displaced?

If the ray of light has to come out from the opposite side without being displaced, it should be incident on the glass slab exactly perpendicular to the surface.

12) How do we see the objects around us?

We are able to see objects around us because the light reflected from the object enters our eyes.

Answered by kshitijpatil3014




19 In which case Snell's law not valid?


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