1.Is there a possibility that the health care frontliner mentioned above couldbe a virus carrier? Yes or No? Why?2.As a health care frontliner during this pandemic, should he be splashed withbleach due to the possibility of being a virus carrier? Why? Or why not?3.Is there a possibility that the attackers were just concerned about the healthof the community members? Yes or No? Why?4.As concerned members of a community, should the attackers who splashedbleach on the health care frontliner be ethically condemned because of whatthey did? Why? Explain your answer.5.Applying the lesson on authentic dialogue, how will you reconcile the "safetyof the health care frontliner," and the "fear of the community for possiblecontamination? Please cite a specific situation to substantiate your answer.
Since the beginning of the outbreak, health care providers have been shown more support, solidarity and gratitude than they ever have. Yet, attacks on health care have continuously been reported and now also include incidents linked to the COVID-19 pandemic across the world.
This unprecedented public health emergency has demonstrated that health facilities, medical transport, patients as well as health care workers and their families can – and do – become targets everywhere. This alarming trend reinforces the need for improved measures to protect health care from acts of violence. During the COVID-19 pandemic more than ever, protecting the health and lives of health care providers on the frontline is critical to enabling a better global response.
This page provides information about the essence of COVID-19-related attacks, their impact on the response, the role of stigma in driving them and, finally, a brief overview of actions taken to minimize their impact.
Hope it helps u keep smiling :)