1. List the possible accidents at Public places, their causes and preventive measures in
tabular form. (Minimum 10 types of accidents)
Possible accidents at Public places, their causes and preventive measures
Accident Cause Prevention
1. Road accidents Careless driving Follow traffic rules
2. Slip and trip Carelessly walking/low Keep walkways clear
maintenance of pathways
3. Falling over Holes left in pathways after Fill the holes
pathways removal of certain objects
4. Slip from icy Slippery pavements Remove ice or grease
5. Bumping into Unable to detect mirror Mark the mirrors
6. Road accidents Poor lighting Maintain good light at night
7. Falling Absence of kerbstone Place kerbstones
8. Falling in manhole Absence of manhole cover Place manhole covers
9. Getting struck by Falling heavy objects Handle heavy objects
heavy object with care
10. Getting hit by car Absence of zebra crossing Make zebra crossing