1. Many of us believe that "small" means "insignificant". We believe that small
actions and choices do not have much impact on our lives. We think that it is
only the big things, the big actions and the big decisions that really count. But
when you look at the lives of all great people, you will see that they built their
character through small decisions, small choices and small actions that they
performed every day. They transformed their lives through a step by-step or
day-by-day approach. They nurtured and nourished their good habits and
chipped away at their bad habits, one step at a time. It was their small day-today decisions that added up to make tremendous difference in the long run.
Indeed, in matters of personal growth and character building, there is no such
thing as an overnight success.
2. Growth always occurs through a sequential series of stages. There is an organic
process to growth. When we look at children growing up, we can see this
process at work: the child first learns to crawl, then to stand and walk, and
finally to run. The same is true in the natural world. The soil must first be tilled,
and then the seed must be sowed. Next, it must be nurtured with enough water
and sunlight, and only then will it grow, bear fruit and finally ripen and be ready
to eat.
3. Gandhi understood this organic process and used this universal law of nature to
his benefit. Gandhi grew in small ways, in his day-to-day affairs. He did not' wake
up one day and find himself to be the "Mahatma". In fact, there was nothing much
in his early life that showed signs of greatness. But from his mid-twenties
onwards, he deliberately and consistently attempted to change himself, reform
himself and grow in some small way every day. Day by day, hour by hour, he
risked failure, experimented and learnt from mistakes. In small and large
situations alike, he took up rather than avoid responsibility.
4. People have always marveled at the effortless way in which Gandhi could
accomplish the most difficult tasks. He displayed great deal of self-mastery and
discipline that was amazing. These things did not come easily to him. Years of
practice and disciplined training went into making his successes possible. Very
few saw his struggles, fears, doubts and anxieties, or his inner efforts to overcome
them. They saw the victory, but not the struggle.
5. This is a common factor in the lives of all great people: they exercised their
freedoms and choices in small ways that made great impact on their lives and their
environment. Each of their small decisions and actions, added up to have a
profound impact in the long run. By understanding this principle, we can move
forward, with confidence, in the direction of our dreams. Often when our "ideal
goal" looks too far from us, we become easily discouraged, disheartened and pessimistic. However, when we choose to grow in small ways, taking small steps
one at a time, performing it becomes easy.
1.1 Answer the following questions briefly.
(i)How do small actions and choices impact our lives?
(ii) What was amazing about Gandhiji?
(iii)What, according to the author, is the 'universal law of nature'?
(iv) How did great people transform their life?
(v) What is the common factor in the life of great people?
(vi)How can we achieve our 'ideal goals'?
Please answer these...
1] actions and choice do not have much impact on our lives .we think that small actions and choices do not have much impact on our lives.
2] Gandhi understood this organic process and used this universal law of nature to his . Gandhi grew in small ways, in his day-to-day affairs. He did not' wake up one day and find himself to be the "Mahatma". In fact, there was nothing much in his early life that showed signs of greatness. But from his mid-twenties onwards, he deliberately and consistently attempted to change himself, reform himself and grow in some small way every day. Day by day, hour by hour, he risked failure, experimented and learnt from mistakes. In small and large situations alike, he took up rather than avoid responsibility.
when Gandhi was 25 year old what they do