1. Name one plant that has taproot.
2. Name one plant that has fibrous root.
3. Name one root that we eat as a vegetable.
4. Why do leaves appear green?
5. What are stomata? How do they help a plant?
6. What are the functions of a leaf?
7. Name two plants that give us medicines.
8. What is transpiration?
Transpiration is the evaporation of water from plants. Most of the water absorbed by the roots of a plant—as much as 99.5 percent—is not used for growth or metabolism; it is excess water, and it leaves the plant through transpiration.
4.So, plants and their leaves look green because the “special pair” of chlorophyll molecules uses the red end of the visible light spectrum to power reactions inside each cell. The unused green light is reflected from the leaf and we see that light.
5.Stomata is present on the leaves of plants. They are tiny pores that help the plant to take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Furthermore, it can also be found on stems of some plants.
6.The main function of a leaf is to carry out photosynthesis, which provides the plant with the food it needs to survive. Plants provide food for all life on the planet.
8.Transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, such as leaves, stems and flowers. Water is necessary for plants but only a small amount of water taken up by the roots is used for growth and metabolism. The remaining 97–99.5% is lost by transpiration and guttation.