1.Name the major nutrients in our food [1]
2.What is roughage? Give some examples. [2]
3.Anu loves to eat pizza but doesn’t eat enough green
vegetables.Her mother insists on eating green
vegetables,Fruits and milk .Why ? [2]
4.Name any two deficiency diseases and their
symptoms? [2]
5.Name two foods each rich in:
a)Fats b) Protein c) Vitamin C
Answered by
The major nutrients in our food are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
Roughage is the edible but indigestible portion of plant foods, such as whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, fruits, and vegetables
disease (and key nutrient involved) symptoms
pellagra (niacin) diarrhea, skin inflammation, dementia
scurvy (vitamin C) delayed wound healing, internal bleeding, abnormal formation of bones and teeth
iron-deficiency anemia (iron) decreased work output, reduced growth, increased health risk in pregnancy
daark chocolate, nuts
vitamin c scurvey
please thanks
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