1.qwerty keyboard was invented by____________
2.pencil was invented by____________
3.which country invented the use of Washing machine?
4.babies played with_______in olden days
5.if pencil is made by graphite,then where graphite came from?
6.why red ants bite cause itching?
7.how microorganisms are seen by microscope?
8.is muscles are in the outer layer or bones?
9.who invented the system of learning?
10.How do tablets cure diseases?
A1. Christopher Latham Sholes
A2. Conrad Gessner, Nicolas-Jacques Conté and William Munroe
A3. England
A4. Kancha, Gilli Danda, Stapoo and Pithoo.
A5. Graphite is mined as flakes or lumps and ground together with clay, then baked into the little sticks you see encased in wood or inside mechanical pencils.
A6. It cause itching because red ants contains venomous liquid in their body.
A7. Bacteria Under the Microscope. ... Like archeans, bacteria are prokaryotic cells. This means that they are single-celled organisms without a nucleus membrane (nuclear envelope). While they are very small, they are diverse and vary in shape and size.
A8. Muscles are on the outside of the endoskeleton. Cartilage and bone are types of connective tissue.
A9. Horace Mann
A10.Medicines act in a variety of ways. Some can cure an illness by killing or halting the spread of invading germs, such as bacteria and viruses. Others are used to treat cancer by killing cells as they divide or preventing them from multiplying.