English, asked by siddiquesirtaj, 2 months ago

1. Read the passage given below:
1. Academics has always been an essential part of human development. It prepares us to
survive in the outside world and establish an identity of our own. But, is an individual's
development restricted to merely academics? In India, from an early age, we have been taught
that education is limited to the boundaries of academics only, the idea of getting out into the
field, for gaining practical experience, is always considered a hoax. This has hindered
student's development. But, the truth is that education represents a considerably broader field
than we know of it
. Our teaching, from the basics, has been focused on getting good grades
and job offers, rather than being creative and unique.
2. In the 21* century, the pure academic type of education is slowly paving way for a whole
new type. The paradigm shift in the whole education system is evident. People have now
come to understand that education is a 360 degree activity that should focus on students
overall development, rather than restricting him/her to the classroom.
3. Co-curricular activities that take place outside the classroom but reinforce or supplement
classroom curriculum, in some way, have become a point of focus today. These activities help
in the growth of the child, in more than one way. Participating in such activities helps
youngsters grow mentally, socially and individually. Intellectual development of a student is
developed in the classroom, but for the aesthetic development such as team-building,
character- building and physical growth, students must step out into the outside world. For
instance, if a student is a part of the school football team, he/she will learn team-work and co-
ordination, in a practical manner, which can't be taught in the class.
4. Similarly, in colleges and institutions, there is a need for practical exposure so that the
students can experience the actual working of an industry. For example, taking a student to a
manufacturing firm will give him/her the real insight and better learning of the industry.
Catering to this change, most professional colleges including B- Schools, have started
providing practical exposure to students through regular guest lectures, industrial visits,
conferences, seminars, cultural festivals and so on. With industry visits, students are able to
better identify their perspective areas of work in the overall organizational function.
Moreover, they help enhance interpersonal skills and communication techniques. In addition,
guest lectures are equally important for all round development of students. It is a great way
for students to gain maximum exposure, as guest speakers talk about their real- life
experiences and not what is there in the text books,
5. Through such events students are made to participate and co-ordinate different events
wherein, they get to know how exactly things are managed. Classroom teaching provides the
foundation and co-curricular or extra -curricular activities provide practical exposure and
opportunities to implement what students learn in the classroom. This helps in developing the
overall personality of the students, including various soft-skills in them, which otherwise are
difficult to teach Clearly life beyond academics creates creative and empowered
1.1 On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer any ten of the
following questions choosing the most appropriate option:
(a) Students development is hindered he​


Answered by ak9791445


This question are for your practice this type of question might come in your exam.

Lets see who gets 100 pints and become a Brilliant student.

A: Change the voice of the following sentences:

1. You should obey your parents.

2. You don't take it lightly.

3. They were reading story books.

4. The goons had been beaten black and blue.

5. It has been shipped already.

6. We didn't touch it.

7. They are being taught French.

8. Where did you drop him?

9. Was she troubling you?

10. We shall attend his birthday party.

11. Will she ever realise her blunders?

12. They have never spoken lies.

13. Children are loved by all.

14. The principal punished the errant students.

15. It was invented by Wright Brothers.

16. He was killed in an accident.

17. The company has made a huge profit.

18. She sings songs beautifully.

19. We don't know him.

20. She was not produced before the Magistrate.

B: Pick out the adverbs in the following sentences and state their type

1. The barking dogs seldom bite.

2. The train will arrive shortly.

3. They performed very badly in the match.

4. It was fully unpleasant situation.

5. What did you see there?

6. Stay out until you are asked to come in.

7. The bus driver lost the control completely.

8. They will certainly come tomorrow.

9. This is the place where I was born.

10. They frequently visit the place.

11. He regularly attends the online classes.

12. He passed away last year.

13. You aren't allowed to barge within.

14. She never listens to her parents.

15. The work is almost done.

16. She wasn't taken for movie, hence she is throwing tantrums.

17. When did you arrive?

18. This is the reason why I told you to stay indoor.

19. We usually have our dinner at 8.

20. It occurred many years ago.

C: Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:

1. You should abide ________ the traffic rules.

2. They depend ________ us.

3. This pen is inferior _________ that pen.

4. There is enough proof ________ his guilt.

5. I got a check _________ ₹100.

6. I have an habit _______ getting up late.

7. We shouldn't laugh _______ the poor.

8. His head is infested _________ lice.

9. There's an increase ________ tempreture.

10. He jumped __________ the river.

11. Rajgangpur is ________ Sundargarh and Rourkela.

12. He was exhausted and frantically leaned _______ the car.

13. The sun gradually rose _______ the horizon.

14. The bride was escorted ________ the horse back.

15. There are several books ______ the shelf.

16. The teacher stood _______ her students.

17. He found this ghastly news _____ a newspaper.

18. He sojourned ______ the Hotel Eagle's Torn.

19. He goes to school ______ foot everyday

20. He works _______ an office.

D: Write the Proverbs

1. A boring person.....

2. To do things in the wrong order

3. To reveal a secret

4. To live within one’s means

5. To have something of which you are proud

6. To handle a difficult situation boldly

7. To have a less important role to play

8. To exhaust oneself by overwork

9. A summary

10. Refuse to take sides

11. To have something to gain by an action

12. To become friendly again

13. Leave oneself with only one course of action

14. A person who brings dishonour on his family

15. To behave so as to attract the attention of others

E: Choose the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets :

1. One of my rivals ______ done it. ( Has/have)

2. Either she or her friends _______ responsible. (Is/are)

3. Many a good Samaritan______ always come forward to render help generously. (Has/have)

4. Two and two ________ make five. (Don't/doesn't)

5. Hard times ________ away if persevered. (Passes/pass)

6. My shorts ________ been stolen in the dead of the night. (Has/ have)

7. Neither my friend nor Rohan ______ was asked to be present in the meeting. ( Was/were)

8. The teacher and the guide _______ taken interest in taking us out for picnic. (Has/have)

9. Riches ______ often ruined the people who ride the high horse. (Has/ have)

10. Rabies ________ from dogs. ( Come comes)

11. Every boy and every girl ________ given conciliatory prizes. ( Was/were)

12. Everybody ________ loved by God. (Is/are)

13. Politics _______ in his blood. ( Is /are)

14. Ten kilometres ______ a long walk on foot. (Is/are)

15. The trainer and instructor _______ arrived. ( Has/have)

16. The deportment of the players_______ governed on and off the field. ( Is/are)

17. Many _______ called but few _______ chosen. (Is/are)

18. Both the girls ________ called by the Principal. (Was/were)

19. The price of essential commodities _______ skyrocketing. (Is/are)

20. Use of neem medicines _______ no less important. ( Is/are)

F: Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting her to help you financially in purchasing text books.

G: Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner of your area to strengthen testing process for Covid-19 to contain the spread of virus and issuance of safety protocol for the people.

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