English, asked by divyamuniraj1239, 1 month ago

1.The impact of COVID 19 appears to have spared no one, including the students. Long hours of screen time and with little or no play, students are stressed with being stuck at home completing homework, doing projects or studying for exams. Write a letter to the editor of Times of India regarding the stress the students are going through.
help pls i mark Brainliest


Answered by sakshibhongade305


The physical distancing and lockdown measures

needed to save lives and supress the transmis-

sion of the virus have resulted in a significant

reduction of economic activity across all major

economies and the resultant global recession.

The severity of the recession remains to be

seen but the socio-economic impacts were

laid out in detail in the [title policy brief on the

socioeconomic impact]2

. Estimates by the


anticipate global income contracting by

3 percent in 2020, under the assumption that

the pandemic recedes in the second half of this

year. An already grave situation could easily

become much worse if capital outflows from

emerging and developing economies trigger

a cascade of disorderly sovereign defaults.

At a household level, the collapse in income

threatens the livelihoods of millions of house-

holds with children around the world. Inputting

the forecasts from the IMF optimistic scenario

into an IFPRI poverty model4

indicates an

increase in extreme poverty (PPP$1.90 a day)

this year of 84 to 132 million people, approx-

imately half of whom are children, compared

to a pre-pandemic counterfactual scenario.

These initial estimates capture only the effects

of a global downturn on poor households, ignor-

ing the localized effects of household breadwin-

ners being forced to shelter in place, or migrate

back to their rural homes, abandoning their nor-

mal livelihoods. Financial diaries from 60 low-in-

come households in the Hrishipara neighbour-

hood in central Bangladesh capture the sudden

collapse of daily incomes when lockdown mea-

sures are introduced (see Figure 1).5


the burden of such shocks on households

have disproportionately been borne by girls.

Such income shocks at the household level,

even if only temporary, can have devastating

effects on children, particularly those living

in poor households with limited assets.

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