Computer Science, asked by bhomarampoonarbhomar, 8 months ago

1. The Lost Child
A child goes to a fair with his parents. He is happy
and exelted and wants the sweets and toys
displayed there. But his parents don't buy them for
him. Why then does he refuse when someone else
offers them to him?
Ir was the festival of spring. From the wintry shades of narrow
lanes and alleys emerged a gaily clad humanity. Some walked,
some rode on horses, others sat, being carried in bamboo and
bullock carts. One little boy ran between his father's legs.
brimming over with life and laughter,​


Answered by ashajakhar1983



The Lost Child

A child goes to a fair with his parents. He is happy

and exelted and wants the sweets and toys

displayed there. But his parents don't buy them for

him. Why then does he refuse when someone else

offers them to him?

Ir was the festival of spring. From the wintry shades of narrow

lanes and alleys emerged a gaily clad humanity. Some walked,

some rode on horses, others sat, being carried in bamboo and

bullock carts. One little boy ran between his father's legs.

brimming over with life and laughter,​





mark it as brainliest and follow me it's a humble request please!

Answered by keyboardavro


refer to the summary


It was the season of spring. The people of the village came out of their houses, in colourful attire and walked towards the fair. A child along with his parents was going to the fair and was very excited and happy. He was attracted to the stalls of toys and sweets. Though, his father got angry but his mother pacified him and diverted his attention towards other things. The child moved forward but once again lagged behind because his eyes were caught by one thing or the other every now and then.


As they moved forward, the child wanted the various things on the stalls. His mouth watered seeing sweets decorated with gold and silver leaves. He wanted his favourite burfi but knowing that his parents would refuse on the ground that he was greedy, he walked ahead. Then he saw beautiful garlands of gulmohur but didn’t ask for it, then he saw balloons but he knew very well that his parents would deny due to the fact that he was too old to play with balloons, so he walked away.

Then he saw a snake charmer and a roundabout swing. As he stopped to ask his parents for permission to enjoy the swing, to his astonishment, there was no reply. Neither his father nor his mother was there. Now the child realized that he was lost. He ran here and there but could not find them. The place was overcrowded. He got terrified but suddenly a kind hearted man took him up in his arms and consoled the bitterly weeping child. He asked if he would like to have a joyride but the child sobbed “I want my father, I want my mother.” The man offered him sweets, balloons and garland but the child kept sobbing “I want my father, I want my mother.”

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