Biology, asked by maths5813, 11 months ago

1) The pigments that produces colour to Bile are ________ and ________.
2) What are Hydathodes ?
3) Normal pale yellow colour of the urine is due to the presence of the pigment __________.
4) Name the pituitary hormone which stimulates contraction of Uterus during child birth.
5) Define Chiasmata .
6) What is Umbilical Cord ?
7) Study the diagram given above and answer the following questions:
a) Label the parts numbered 1 to 3 in the diagram.
b) Mention any 2 functions of the part labeled 2 in the diagram.
c) Explain the significance of the part numbered 3 in the diagram.
d) Define the term Gestation. What is the normal gestational period of the developing human embryo?
e) Mention the sex chromosomes in a male and female embryo.
8) Differentiate between Tubectomy and Vasectomy
9) Compare Bowman's Capsule and Malphighian Capsule.
10) Draw a well labeled diagram of " Node of Ranvier ".


Answered by debadrita234


1) Biliverdin and Bilirubin

2) Hydathodes are minute pores present on the margin of leaves also known as water stomata... it's main function us guttation..

3) Urochrome

4) Oxytocin

5) The point if attachment between two homologous chromosome during crossing over in meiosis Is called Chiasmata

6) The connecting link between placenta and foetus


a) 1.umbilical cord


3.Amniotic fluid

b) 1.provides nutrition to foetus

2.helps in gases exchange

c) protection of foetus from any mechanical injury..

d) The period of complete development of the foetus inside the mothers uterus.. human gestation period-9 months

e) in male XAnd Y sex chromosome us present and in female XX chromosome is present.

8) Tubectomy is the process of permanent sterilization in females whereas vasectomy is the permanent method of sterilization in males..

9) Bowmans capsule is the cup like structure which in the nephron which help in ultrafiltration... whereas malphigian corpuscle is the structure containing combination of both bowmans capsule and glomerulus...

maths5813: Thank u for the Answers of the Questions 1 to 9.
maths5813: But where is the diagram of Node of Ranvier ?
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