English, asked by shazkarip, 1 year ago

1. These days we frequently hear reports of trees getting
uprooted even during a light storm. We are losing our
precious green friends and this is a cause for concern.
Write an article in 100–150 words discussing why these
big trees are falling over and what we can do to slow this
down. You may use the following points while
discussing the reasons behind this:
• diminishing open ground and soil area around the roots
due to cemented footpath
• digging up of roads to install communication cables and
• unplanned cutting of the extending branches, causing
the trees to lose balance and topple over
• depleting groundwater level Suggest solutions like:
• re-designing of the landscape to allow the trees more
open ground to breathe and to allow rainwater to seep
into the soil
• plant such species of trees that require less water


Answered by mansipawar13

Answer: all bcause of human means us.

Explanation:   we are just normal , simple human being. and the trees are our life. trees give us lots of things.

for examplr; 1. oxygen

2. food

3. paper's

4. wood etc...

and what about us ?

what we give to trees; only hurt

what shall we do for trees???

don't cut them.

don't hurt them.

give them lots of water and love.

treat them like family.

trees are our life, don't hurt them, don't cut them.

save trees , save lifes


Answered by runram2000


shaz what is this

what is the real answer


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