Hindi, asked by rekwks, 4 months ago

उपर्युक्त पंक्तियाँ किसने किस संदर्भ में कहा है ?


Answered by Anonymous


konsi पंक्तियाँ


पंक्तियाँwrite the major changes human life underwent as it involved through the bronze age to the iron ageThe Bronze Age started in the third millennium B.C. and with it brought great advancements to the world. The tools and weapons of the day were soon made stronger and more durable. This change allowed for a population increase since farming and hunting became more efficient and could support more people.

Answered by DynamiteAshu


कितने कौवे : एक दिन महाराज कृष्णदेवराय और तेनालीराम दोनों राजदरबार में बैठे थे। ... तेनालीराम बोला , महराज एक दम सही गिनती ही बताऊंगा। राजा ने दो दिन की महोलत दी थी , तीसरे दिन तेनाली को राजा के द्वारा पूछे हुए प्रश्न का जवाब देना था।

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