Science, asked by anirudhchhatwa3876, 1 year ago

1.what are three stages in urine formation?write the functions of different parts of nephron in the urine formation? summer we pass concentrated urine and inwinter dilluted urine.

3.deficiency of ADH causes diabetes insipidus.

4.urine of a healthy person does not contain sugar.

5.kidney is called osmoregulatiry organ.

6.urine is acidic but blood is alkaline from wher urine is produced.

7. how the process of dialysis is different from the working of natural kidney?

MAM/SIR please give me answer of these questions quicklybecause i need it.this is my assignment


Answered by riyaberry2356
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Lesson Transcript
Instructor: Katie Chamberlain
Katie has a PhD in Microbiology and has experience preparing online education content in Biology and Earth Science.

Urine may be a waste product, but it is a carefully created waste product. There are three main stages in urine formation, and this lesson covers them all!
Urine Formation
Whether you call it the bathroom, the restroom, or the loo, there are two things that all people do there. This lesson is about the first one.

Urine is one of the body's waste products. It is primarily composed of water and urea. Urea is a special nitrogenous waste compound that the body must routinely remove. Urine formation occurs in the kidney in three stages: filtration, reabsorption, and secretion.

Stage 1: filtration. The kidney is the body's blood filtering system. Blood vessels visit the kidney and enter a special ball of capillaries called the glomerulus. The glomerulus is nestled within a region of the kidney called the Bowman's Capsule. This is where filtration occurs. As blood is pushed through the tiny capillaries, the high-pressure forces some things to pass through the capillary walls. The walls act as a sieve or a filter. Hence, it is called filtration.

Water, sugar, salts, amino acids, nitrogenous wastes, and other tiny things enter the kidney as a substance called the filtrate. Cells and large blood proteins that cannot fit through remain in the blood vessels. The filtrate entering the kidney is like pre-pre-urine.

Stage 2: reabsorption. The filtrate enters the kidney in the proximal tubule. This region of the kidney is special because many things can be removed from the filtrate. These valuable things are recollected, or reabsorbed, by the body.

Glucose, certain salts, vitamins, hormones, and amino acids are restored to the body and will not be included in urine. Sometimes, if the body has too much of something then the extra sugar or salt will stay in the filtrate. For example, diabetics with high levels of blood glucose may have glucose in their urine since it cannot all be reabsorbed. The filtrate after reabsorption is like pre-urine
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