1. What message does the poet want to convey through the poem 'The School Boy'?
2. How did Doe save Penny's life? What did Jody want to do in return?
3. How does the experience of climbing the summit change you completely?
4. Jody didn't want Mill-wheel with him for two reasons. What were they?
5. Why did Bepin Babu change his mind about meeting Chunni? What was the result of this
The poet wants to convey a very practical lesson through this poem. He wants that we should not bury the childhood of a child under the burden of heavy bags and books as a child loves to be closer to nature, stars, flowers than to this materialistic world.
Jody’s father killed the doe or her dear. He used her heart and liver to draw out the snake’s poison. In this way the doe saved Penny’s life.
Climbing the mountain changes you completely because you realize that there is another summit
within yourself. It is in your mind. Each man carries within himself a mountain peak which cannot
be climbed by anyone else. You must climb yourself to reach a fuller knowledge of yourself.
Jody didn’t want Mill-wheel to join him in the search for the fawn. The reason was that he was not sure about the fawn’s safety. He didn’t want Mill-wheel to see his disappointment.
Bepin Babu changed his mind about meeting Chunnilal because he thought that Chunnilal would tell him something about Ranchi trip. But he beacame more miserable after the meeting because Chunnilal said that it was he who got a ticket booked for his Ranchi trip.