Biology, asked by Marina2171, 1 year ago

1. What r d advantages of multicellularity?
2. What are vacuoles? What are their functions?
3. What is ER? Name two types of ER. Write their functions.
4. Write the function of Chromatin material.
5. What is plasmolysis? What happens to a plasmolysed cell when it is placed in water?
6. What do u mean by nucleoid?
7. What r d factors which restrict the size of the cell?
Plz give the answer in detail......The best answer will be marked as brainliest.....:)


Answered by Anonymous
1.Advantage of Multicellular organisms is that there is division of labor between the cells which increases their efficiency in completing their function.

2.Vacuoles are the cell organelles in which substances of importance for the cells are stored.
1)It provides turgidity and rigidity to the cell
2)It stores amino acids,salts etc. which are of great importance to the plants
3)In amoeba,it helps in nutrition

6.Nucleoid is a region found in prokaryotic cells and is poorly developed.It lacks nuclear membrane and DNA

1) Bacterial status of the cell
2) Function mof the cell
3) Location of the cell

Marina2171: Plz answer all d questions.....plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Answered by xMadxHatterxx
3 ER is endoplasmic reticulum. Two types of er are smooth ER and rough ER. It's functions is to serve as channels for the transport of materials b/w various regions of the cytoplasm.
2 vacuoles are storage sacs for solid or liquid contents. It's function in plant cells is to provide turgidity and rigidity to the cell.
6 in some organism the nuclear region of the cell may be poorly defined due to the absence of nuclear membrane. Such an undefined nuclear region containing only nucleotide acids is called nucleoid.
4 the functions of chromatin material is that whenever the cell is about to divide the chromatin material gets organised into chromosomes.
5 when a living plant cell loses water through osmosis there is shrinkage or contraction of the contents of the cell away from the cell wall. This phenomenon is called plasmolysis. When a plasmolysed cell is placed in water it absorbs the water through osmosis.

I don't know the rest of those. SORRY....

Marina2171: Thank u so much
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