English, asked by ashauthiras, 7 months ago

1. What would bring him more than a few hundred notes? Explain. 2. According to Hari, What is simple task and what is really serious? 3. When Hari returned to Anil, he was nervous. Why? 4. Hari’s heart sank. Why? FOR CLASS 10 TOPIC-THE THIEF’S STORY


Answered by VerifiedJaat


The story is about two different people. One is a thief of 15 years of age and the other is a man of approximately 25 years, watching a wrestling match somewhere. The name of the person watching the match is Anil. The thief approaches Anil and starts talking to him because he feels that he had not robbed anyone in the past few days and thought that it would be easy to rob a simple person like Anil. They both start talking and Anil asks the thief his name. The thief introduces himself as Hari Singh. This is not his real name as he changes his name every month to escape his ex employers or police. Then they started talking about the wrestlers and Anil was leaving when Hari called him again and asked him if he could work for Anil. Anil said that he won't be able to pay him but could feed him if he knew how to cook. Hari lied that he knew how to cook. Anil took Hari to his room which was above a sweet shop. Hari cooked a meal which was really bad because Anil did not eat it. Anil asked Hari to leave but he tried to please Anil. Hari smiled in his most attractive way and Anil could not stop laughing looking at him. Anil agreed to teach Hari how to cook, write full sentences and add numbers. Hari was grateful as he knew that there would be no limit to robbing people once he learnt how to read and write.

The narrator used to like working for Anil as he used to make him tea in the morning and then go out to buy the groceries for the day. He also used to steal 1 rupee from the money that was given to him to buy the groceries everyday. Anil knew that he used to steal but did not mind.

Anil used to make money by irregular works. Sometimes he used to borrow money and the other day, when he had money, he would be lending it to other people. Whenever he used to get money, he would go out with his friends to celebrate.

One day, Anil came in with a bundle of notes and told Hari that he had sold a book to a publisher. At night he kept the money safely under the mattress of his bed. Hari realized that he had been working for Anil for more than a month and had not stolen anything apart from the 1 rupee that he kept everyday from the grocery money. Hari had many chances to steal as he had the key to the room as well. But he was surprised with the amount of trust Anil had on him as he had never seen such a trusting person in his life. This trust thing was preventing him from robbing Anil as Hari thought that robbing a careless person like Anil didn't make much difference because he might not even notice that he had been robbed and that took out all the fun from the work. Then he thought of stealing Anil’s money and justified himself that if he didn't steal money from Anil then also he would waste it on his friends and also, Anil didn't pay him for the work that he did.

Hari then woke up at night and quietly crawled to Anil’s bed. He steals the money and decides to leave the city by Lucknow Express that departed at 10:30. When he reached the station, the train had slowly started moving from the platform. He could have easily caught the train, but he hesitated and he himself did not know the reason for it. Before he had reached the station he counted the money and it was 600 rupees in 50 rupee notes. He could live a lavish life for 2 - 3 weeks with so much money. After the train had left, Hari was all alone at the train station. He was left with no place to sleep at night. The only person he knew was Anil and he had looted him as well. He sat on a bench in a park and as it started to rain, he sat down under the clock tower. Then he realized that the notes had got wet. He realized that learning how to read and write would help him to get a much more respectable and honest job which would pay him much more than these few hundred rupees. Then he decided to go back to Anil’s house.

He reached the room and placed the money back. Next morning, he woke up a bit late and Anil had already made his tea. Aniul gave a 50 rupee note to Hari as he had got paid for some work and he would be paid regularly. Hari took the note in his hand and realized that the note was still wet from the rain last night. Hari realized that Anil had come to know about his misdeed but there was no sadness, anger or guilt in his mind. The narrator smiled in a beautiful way and it was genuine happiness as he knew that he had saved himself from the wrong road.


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Hope it Helps

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Answered by Kannan0017

The Thief’s Story Summary

Hari Singh Approaches Anil

Hari Singh approached Anil while he was watching a wrestling match, as he seemed to be an easy target to him. Hari used some flattering words to gain Anil’s confidence and soon they started conversing. After a while, when Anil started to walk off, Hari followed him with his most appealing smile. He expressed his wish to work for Anil. But Anil bluntly expressed his inability to pay Hari. Hari questioned Anil if he could feed him.  Anil agreed to feed Hari only if he knew how to cook. Hari said that he knew how to cook but this was a lie.

Anil Brings Hari to his Room

Anil took Hari to his room over Jumna Sweet Shop and let him occupy the balcony to sleep. Anil gave that night’s meal to a stray dog because the meal cooked by Hari was terrible. Anil had realised that Hari didn’t know how to cook. He asked Hari to go off to sleep, but Hari hung around, giving his most appealing smile. Anil patted Hari’s head and told him that he would teach him how to cook.

Anil teach Hari to read and write

Anil taught Hari to write his name and promised to teach him how to write whole sentences and to add numbers eventually. Hari was happy and grateful for this as he knew that he could achieve anything he wanted once he knew how to read and write like an educated man. He liked working for Anil. He started making tea in the morning and buying the day’s supplies later. He used to make a profit of about a rupee on buying the day’s supplies but knew that Anil didn’t mind.

Hari had gained Anil’s Trust

One evening Anil came back with a bundle of currency notes he had got from selling a book he had written to a publisher. He kept the money under the mattress and slept peacefully. Hari had been working for Anil for almost a month and he had gained Anil’s trust. Hari saw the opportunity to rob Anil. It was not an easy task as he knew that Anil will be sad about the loss of money. He brushed away his thought and decided to execute the robbery the same night, as Anil would’ve otherwise wasted the money on his friends.

Hari Robbed Anil

Hari considered the situation and crawled up to the bed when Anil was asleep. He slid his hand under the mattress and drew the money out quietly. He rushed out of the room and began to run on the road. He had secured the money with the string of his pyjama. He was heading towards the railway station to catch 10:30 express to Lucknow as planned. He was elated when he counted the money on his way.

Hari didn’t Board the Train

Hari reached the station just when the train was about to pick up speed. He could have managed to get into one of the carriages but something unexplainable stopped him. He was left behind on the station. He decided to leave the station and thought while walking through the bazaar about how would Anil feel when he would come to know about the theft. Hari had realised by then that he could not only cook the meals or go to the market to buy daily supplies, but he had also lost the chance to learn how to read and write. Due to these thoughts and his feeling of guilt, he decided to go back to Anil, if only for the sake of learning how to read and write.

Hari Kept The Money Back

Hari hurried towards the room. He opened the door cautiously so as not to wake Anil up. He quickly took out the currency notes which were damp because of the rain. He crept up to the bed and placed the notes under the mattress. After that, he went off to sleep in the balcony.

Anil Reacted Normally in the Morning

Hari woke up late in the morning. He found that Anil had already prepared tea. Anil gave a fifty rupee note to Hari, telling him that he had earned some money by selling a book to a publisher and now he would pay him regularly. Hari was motivated but he could make out that Anil knew everything though he didn’t say anything to him about it.

Chapter Sketch

‘The Thief Story’ is about a 15-year-old boy, Hari Singh, whose life changes when he meets Anil, a 25-year-old writer. Anil’s unspoken words and kind gestures leaves a very positive impact on Hari Singh’s life.

About the Characters

Hari Singh : He is a 15-year-old, fair handed thief. He is keen on learning how to read and write. He is so experienced robber that he knows how different people will react when they are robbed.

Anil : He is a 25-year-old, tall and lean man. He earns his living by writing. He is a kind, simple and an easy-going person.


yes you can and dont u know how to  unblock ?

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