Biology, asked by cheyenneh, 10 months ago

1) Which advance in biotechnology has benefited mankind by providing a DNA catalogue for further research in genetics and disease prevention? A) recombinant DNA B) DNA fingerprinting C) Human Genome Project D) cloning of Dolly the Sheep 2) A segment of DNA that is artificially created from two or more organisms, through use of DNA enzymes in a laboratory is called A) a clone. B) a vector. C) plasmid DNA. D) recombinant DNA. 3) The zebra danios are a new type of pet fish, marketed as Glo-Fish. The fish were produced by transferring genes from jellyfish (green and yellow fish) and corals (red fish) into regular zebra danio fish (striped blue and white normally) embryos. Which of the following statements is NOT true about these fish? A) These fish have recombinant DNA. B) These fish are transgenic animals. C) A vector, such as a plasmid or virus, may have been needed to get the foreign genes into fish cells. D) These fish could have been produced by introducing the DNA of a coral or jellyfish into an empty fish egg. 4) Scientists have changed the DNA of a type of cabbage so that it contains a tiny amount of poison from a scorpion’s tail. The poison in the cabbage kills caterpillars that try to eat it. This is an example of A) gene therapy. B) selective breeding. C) genetic engineering. D) artificial selection. 5) Farmer Brown grows corn for a living. One day, Farmer Green suggests to Farmer Brown that he should clone his best corn plant in order to produce more ears of corn per plant. Farmer Brown is not sure about Farmer Green's idea. Why might Farmer Brown be hesitant to clone his corn? A) Cloning the corn plants is difficult and expensive to accomplish. B) The cloned corn would not have the same taste as the original plants. C) Cloning eliminates the ability to sexually reproduce and provide genetic variability. D) Cloned plants would have increased genetic variability as well as a shortened life expectancy. 6) Gene therapy, which includes the correction of defective genes, is a significant part of the human genome project. Which of these is an application of the technique? A) A new protein, which can repair defective genes, is injected. B) Mutated DNA sequences, which can pair with existing genes, are introduced. C) The DNA sequences of the entire genomes of disease-causing microbes are compared. D) A new gene, which codes for the protein that can repair defective genes, is introduced. 7) You may have learned about the sheep clone Dolly in your science class. Although this experiment was greeted as a great success, there are many opponents to human cloning. Despite this, there are some advocates of human cloning. What would be a specific benefit of human cloning? A) The creation of a super race of humans. B) Crops can be modified to resist disease. C) Infertile couples could have children that contained some of their genetic make-up. D) Infertile couples could have children that contained none of their genetic make-up. 8) Dolly was a female domestic sheep, and the first mammal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the process of __________________. A) DNA transfer B) cell transfer C) oocyte transfer D) nuclear transfer 9) Genetically-Modified Organisms (GMOs) are currently being developed for agriculture. Currently commercialized GM crops in the U.S. include soy (94%), cotton (90%), canola (90%), sugar beets (95%), corn (88%), and Hawaiian papaya (more than 50%). The use of GMO crops can reduce agricultural costs to farmers and provide greater crop-yields, possibly helping with issues of food shortages. Although this sounds great, there is still a lot of controversy around the use of GMOs. Which of these is a valid argument on why we should not use GMOs in our food? A) GMOs do not have any nutritional value B) GMO crops are always more expensive to buy C) GMO crops are invasive and take over the habitat of local crops D) there is not enough research on long-term effects of eating GMOs 10) DNA fingerprinting is a laboratory technique used to establish a link between biological evidence and a suspect in a criminal investigation. A DNA sample taken from a crime scene is compared with a DNA sample from a suspect. During a crime scene investigation, forensic technicians collected skin samples form under the fingernails of a murder victim. Using DNA evidence, police narrowed their search down to three suspects. Comment on the evidence. A) Suspect #1 is a match to the DNA evidence found on the victim. B) Suspect #2 is a match to the DNA evidence found on the victim. C) Suspect #3 is a match to the DNA evidence found on the victim. D) The evidence is not conclusive; the DNA could be the victim's.


Answered by AkshayBKraja


Answered by aqibkincsem


The answer for 1 is C, human genome project.

The answer for 2 is A, a clone.

The answer for 3 is zebrafish is a definite kind of glowfish that was brought in different fluorescent colors and this was part of one of the genetically modified animal available.

Answer to question 4 will be selective breeding by developing new organisms with desired characteristics.

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