1. Which gas would the leaf disks produce if they were carrying out the light-dependent reaction? What would this cause them to do?
2. Predict how light intensity would affect the light reaction by drawing a curve on the following graph:
Number of Leaf Disks that Rise to Top of a Container
exposed to Various Levels of Light Intensity
3. Predict how each of the following conditions would affect the light-dependent reaction:
• Temperature: Any change in the level of a limiting factor will affect the rate ofreaction.
• Wavelength:
• Bicarbonate levels:
4. In this investigation oxygen production was used to measure the light reaction. What are two additional products that could be measured? What purpose do they serve in the light-independent (dark) reaction?
5. A student conducts an experiment in which she places 30 leaf disks into three different beakers and removes the gases from the disks until they all sink to the bottom. The leaf disks in two of the containers are un-boiled and healthy. The leaf disks in one container were boiled for 5 minutes. In addition, two of the containers were exposed to sunlight and one was left in the shade. Data was collected every minute for 5 minutes.
1. In respiration, glucose is broken down to produce energy that can be used by the cell, a reaction that uses O2 and produces CO2 as a byproduct. Because the leaf disks are living plant material that still require energy, they are simultaneously using O2 gas during respiration and producing O2 gas during photosynthesis.
2.As light intensity increases, the rate of photosynthesis will increase as long as other factors are in adequate supply. As the rate increases, eventually another factor will come into short supply. The graph below shows the effect of low carbon dioxide concentration.
1)oxygen(it releases in the process of photosynthesis
2)light intensity increases the rate of photosynthesis reaction
3)as the temperature increases the enzymes use in the photosynthesis became denaturate (no longer active) and decrease rate of photosynthesis
- As in green light wave length the plant growth became poor as it reflected most of the light
- Bicarbonate stimulates the oxygen in photosynthesis the bicarbonate became less at low intensity of light
4)carbon and hydrogen
5)the plant which allowed in shaded is does not gain light and the rate of photosynthesis became low