Social Sciences, asked by sukhdeepsingh978, 10 months ago

1. Why is democracy called the best form of Government?
2. What are the flaws in a democratic govt?
3. What is Democracy?
4. Write the main features of democracy.
5. General Musharraf conducted elections. However Pakistan is still not called a democracy. Why?
6. What is free and fair electoral competition?Does china have it?
7. How is the Principal of one person one vote denied in the following countries:-
(a) Saudi Arabia (b) Estonia (c) Fiji
8. How can you say that Zimbabwe does not have rule of law?
9. Why is democratic govt called a more accountable form of government?
10. How does democracy improve the quality of decision making?
11. Why is it said that democracy enhances the quality of citizens?
12. How does a democracy govt allow its citizens to correct its own mistakes?
13. What is the role of press in a good democratic govt?
14. Why is Mexico not considered an example of democracy?
15. How can a popular got be undemocratic? Explain by giving the example of Zimbabwe.
Note:- Evbery student will have to prepare 5 cards to great and praise the soldiers for their dedication and
superb duty. [it is compulsory for all ]​


Answered by parth1976


democracy is best form of govt because it is rule of people of country the govt has limited powers in his hands it can't controlled us like puppets and we think they are not doing well for our country we can elect other one whom which we thinks

the flaws of democracy are 1 sometimes leaders of country does not know what is good for people and wrong decisions are taken up

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