1. Why Taplow had to do extra work on the last day of the school even after the classes were over?
Mr Crocker-Harris, who was Taplow’s teacher of classical literature, gave him extra work on the last day of the term. As Mr Crocker-Harris was a hard taskmaster and knew no mercy, he punished. Taplow because , he missed a day last week when he was ill.
Mr Crocker-Harris couldn’t excuse this. He was totally without feeling. So, he gave Taplow extra work even on the last day of the term.
breif answer-
Mr Crocker-Harris is a middle-aged schoolmaster. He is a teacher in the traditional mould. He is a strict man who is more feared than respected. He follows rules and regulations with all sincerity.
Taplow is in the lower fifth standard. His attitude towards Mr Crocker-Harris is mixed. He recognises his sense of discipline, sense of devotion and stoic nature. But he has a personal feeling of ill-will against Mr Crocker-Harris. He is given extra work on the last day of the term as punishment because he missed a day the previous week when he was ill. Mr Crocker-Harris is a hard taskmaster. That’s why he gave extra work to Taplow. He doesn’t bother that it is the last day of the term.
Taplow feels that Mr Crocker-Harris is devoid of feelings, is strict and can never be flattered. In spite of everything, Taplow rather likes him. Mr Crocker-Harris doesn’t tell the results like the other masters before they are formally announced. Hence, Mr Crocker-Harris is different from other teachers. Taplow doesn’t consider Mr Crocker-Harris a sadist. He doesn’t get pleasure out of giving pain to others. In his view, a sadist shows some feelings but Mr Crocker-Harris has none.
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